Consulting, Training, and Workshops
Ignite Your Outreach and Missions Teams
– Are you tired of Church as usual?
– Do your ministry teams feel stagnant?
– Are your outreach teams ignited with a passion for God and a passion for the lost?
– Do your members have the tools and confidence to minister to the sexually exploited, addicted, or incarcerated population?
– Are you looking for creative ways to impact more lives with the Gospel?
Let For Dignity help you launch an outreach ministry to the vulnerable and marginalized in your community. Our Director, Kelly Master, has been successfully training groups since 2012 to boldly share a message of hope in strip clubs, prisons, and the streets.
Realistically, 90%+ of women working in strip clubs or addicted would not consider stepping through the threshold of a church door. Hence, the Church must be willing to step out of the four walls and into the darkness to shine the light of Christ with a message of hope, not condemnation.
Do you
– Want more information?
– Schedule a workshop or training?
– Schedule consultation services for your current outreach teams.
Contact Kelly Master via email: Click Here
In 2012, Kelly Master launched and led Emerge Ladies. This unique and powerful ministry reached thousands of women in Philadelphia and New Jersey strip clubs with a message of hope and freedom. In 2023, Kelly moved to South Carolina, but the outreach teams are growing and thriving. She now brings her expertise and experience to the Southeast to help many more women. Please watch the beautiful video below, which expresses the heartbeat of Emerge Ladies.