Sharing Jesus with the Sex Industry

While the world is divisive and clamoring, fists raised and guns drawn, shouting and tearing each other apart, the organization I lead, forDignity postures itself differently. Every month my teams visit strip clubs and adult bookstores to build relationships with young, beautiful women in the sex industry. We are Christian and represent a new brand of Church that is not about religion but humanity and love.

We believe love is more powerful than hate and that we should build bridges into the community, not walls. Love is a tool, not a weapon. The Church has mastered the art of judging, condemning and shaming people but we need to practice loving people without restraint or ulterior motive. A Church mobilized by love would be a powerful and beautiful sight to behold.

In the bible, an expert in the law tested Jesus with this question, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” The reply was “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all of your strength and all of your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” [1]

Who then is our neighbor?

Our neighbors work in the sex industry and are the dancers on the pole, the young ladies hiding in the windowless, smoke-filled dressing room, and those wondering how they are going to make it through one more day. Our neighbors are the heroin addicts who are taking their last breath today because they were seeking one more high. Our neighbors are the bouncers standing at the door of the club and the managers counting money behind the desk.

We understand that many women in the sex industry suffer silently with PTSD, depression, suicidal thoughts, addictions and hopelessness and we recognize the love of Christ can remedy that. There are thousands of women working in strip clubs, many of which are Christian believers who had experienced God at some point in their lives. They were once active in youth group and grew up in the church. Some have confided that their fathers are pastors. For various reasons, these young ladies now find themselves nearly naked dancing on a stage and participating in painful scenarios they never dreamed they would face.

Unfortunately, from the outside looking in, it is too easy to judge and place labels on these girls, and many do. They feel the weight of our judgment. They carry the shame and condemnation of our words and rejection. We push them further away from the very God who fearlessly loves them and is yearning for their return.


The Psalmist declares, “…where can I flee from Your presence?

…If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.”[2] God is not calling us to shrink back from hell but to boldly go to the darkest places and shine His light. He is calling His dancing daughters into their true identity and inviting them, just like David called Mephibosheth back to the table of the King to take their rightful position.

Since 2012 we have gone into strip clubs armed with love, hugs, hope, and resources. We have given away thousands of “Jesus Loves Strippers bibles” and “SHINE-Uplifting Words for Girls in Stilettos.” We pray for these precious young ladies and we have seen incredible miracles take place by the transforming power of God. Realistically 90% of them would never step foot in the doorway of our church, but the church must be willing to get uncomfortable and go where they are to share the unconditional, unwavering, radical love of Christ!

Written by: Kelly Master

[1] Luke 10:27 ESV

[2] Psalm 139:7-8 NKJV