Drag Queen Evangelist
Recently a group of Christians armed with hate gathered at a gay pride parade in Seattle with intent to protest the gay community. Their motives were quickly exposed, and a drag queen named Mama T confronted their hypocrisy. I do not agree with everything Mama T stands for, but I found myself cheering her on as she called them to walk in love. No doubt, her passion stemmed from years of watching the “church” bash the gay population, and she was not going to tolerate it that day. Momma brazenly declared, “My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves you and loves me just as much!” Such powerful words were spoken by the one who was condemned. She further cited the Christians for their hate and called them to read their bible. Bam! Mama T just may have a second calling as an evangelist!
What if the church had shown up to serve the gay community without any other agenda? What if the Christians were fueled by love and not self-righteous holiness? Christ declared, “by this everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another.” Not once did Christ protest people, but He loved them. He did not hold up signs implicating the crowds, nor did He yell at them over a bullhorn. Mama T saw through the hypocrisy and implored the crowd to love. Whether you agree or disagree with homosexuality is not the point. If you are a Christian, then your call to action is love.
Due to the nature of my work, I am engaged with the adult sex industry quite often. I partner with a Christian organization, xxxchurch.com, and attend sex conventions in NJ. Instead of bullying the industry, we serve them; and instead of bullhorns and picket signs, we give industry workers Starbucks and granola bars. We introduce them to a God who radically loves them. This method of sharing God’s love disgusts many Christians, for it’s not the typical way the church usually shows up. It’s not ordinary or comfortable for many; but when loves not hate fuels your actions, you won’t mind stepping out of your comfort zone.
Strippers, porn stars, prostitutes, and cross-dressers are now my friends. I invest in them with prayer, time, money, and energy. I love them, and I know God does too! I am a Christian, and my convictions are not blurred. When I saw that video of the church bullying the gay community, it hurt my heart. That certainly was not an accurate depiction of the God I serve. He passionately loves people, and His love is not contained for the church only. When I saw Mama T preaching love, I stood up and shouted out Amen. If we are going to be guilty of anything, let it be love, not condemnation!
“Let us be guilty of love, not condemnation.”