The Agnostic, Christian and Porn Star…..

What does an Agnostic, Christian and Porn Star have in common? All three were at the Exxxotica Porn Convention in New Jersey. We each attended for our own reasons, but our choices brought us together at one of the largest sex conventions in America. Yes, I am a Christian, and I carve out time every year to spend an entire weekend with porn stars, porn producers, porn addicts, sex vendors and thousands of customers from every walk of life. Guess what? I walk away still a Christian, firmly grounded in my faith, but always close to the reality that God loves. I met and interacted with hundreds of people, but two “chance” encounters with an agnostic and porn star left a deep impression upon my heart.

I bumped into Ron Jeremy, known as the “porn king” at the check-in desk as I was holding a conversation with three guys I have known and spoken to for the past four conventions. They refuse to believe that a group of Christians could show up to love without an ulterior motive. They were gently harassing me and challenging my “true” intentions. Knowing that Ron is familiar with and is good friends with the Founder, Craig Gross, I jokingly asked him to put these guys in their place, and he did. A famous Jewish porn star that has participated in 2000 sex films told these hecklers that our Christian group is authentic and that we practice what we preach. While Ron and I continued the conversation, a friend of his made a lewd comment and Ron immediately stopped him and scolded him for speaking like that in front of a pastor. I am not an ordained pastor but enjoyed the fact that Ron noticed the light in me and he was compelled to defend me.

Ron is relentlessly pursued by a God who knows him by name and fiercely loves him. We Christians so often want to see a result that we miss the beauty of the process. Ron spontaneously shared with a group of Christians, who were at the convention for training, about his near-death experience last year and how he called out to God. Then he played his favorite song on the harmonica, Amazing Grace. (see video clip) Ron Jeremy

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see.”

One of my most memorable moments at the convention was a conversation I had with a beautiful young lady named Heather. She stopped by our booth for a t-shirt and opened up about being an agnostic, which led to a meaningful, respectful conversation. There was something special about her, a sweet innocence which easily could be overlooked. She was kind, tender and thoughtful and she kept thanking me for being kind. With her permission, I took her picture in front of our “Jesus loves porn stars” background and in return, she asked for several “Little Books of Hope” we offered at our booth. Heather was intrigued by the message of the book and wanted to share with her friends. She flipped through the pages that contained scripture, prayers, and encouragement and was genuinely delighted to read and share with her friends. After she walked away I noticed she tagged me on Twitter with her picture, and only then did I realize Heather is a well-loved porn star who had a booth at the convention. Because we postured ourselves in love and kindness, my new friend, the porn star walked away excited to read the word of God. She was unknowingly drawn to God because we offered her a God who was drawing Himself to her.


God has a crazy, incredible journey for each of us and as I continue to step out, trusting Him to guide my steps, I am always amazed how awesome He is. He is more significant than a church building, a potluck dinner or a home group meeting. His love is not only reserved for a select few, but He died so that all may know Him. The agnostic may not believe Him, and the porn star may not be interested in Him, but God is relentlessly pursuing both with a radical love that defies understanding. His love is so compelling that a porn star held onto it in his darkest hour; His love so authentic that an agnostic took not just one, but several “Little Books of Hope” to read and share with others. His love is so inclusive that a Christian showed up at a porn show to share it. I may not see Heather or Ron again, but I know God continues to see them, pursue them and cross their paths with crazy Christians who aren’t afraid to love big!



“And the greatest of these is love.”

Written by Kelly Master, Director forDignity



Drag Queen Evangelist

Recently a group of Christians armed with hate gathered at a gay pride parade in Seattle with intent to protest the gay community. Their motives were quickly exposed, and a drag queen named Mama T confronted their hypocrisy. I do not agree with everything Mama T stands for, but I found myself cheering her on as she called them to walk in love. No doubt, her passion stemmed from years of watching the “church” bash the gay population, and she was not going to tolerate it that day. Momma brazenly declared, “My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves you and loves me just as much!” Such powerful words were spoken by the one who was condemned. She further cited the Christians for their hate and called them to read their bible. Bam! Mama T just may have a second calling as an evangelist!

What if the church had shown up to serve the gay community without any other agenda? What if the Christians were fueled by love and not self-righteous holiness? Christ declared, “by this everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another.” Not once did Christ protest people, but He loved them. He did not hold up signs implicating the crowds, nor did He yell at them over a bullhorn. Mama T saw through the hypocrisy and implored the crowd to love. Whether you agree or disagree with homosexuality is not the point. If you are a Christian, then your call to action is love.

Due to the nature of my work, I am engaged with the adult sex industry quite often. I partner with a Christian organization,, and attend sex conventions in NJ. Instead of bullying the industry, we serve them; and instead of bullhorns and picket signs, we give industry workers Starbucks and granola bars. We introduce them to a God who radically loves them. This method of sharing God’s love disgusts many Christians, for it’s not the typical way the church usually shows up. It’s not ordinary or comfortable for many; but when loves not hate fuels your actions, you won’t mind stepping out of your comfort zone.

Strippers, porn stars, prostitutes, and cross-dressers are now my friends. I invest in them with prayer, time, money, and energy. I love them, and I know God does too! I am a Christian, and my convictions are not blurred. When I saw that video of the church bullying the gay community, it hurt my heart. That certainly was not an accurate depiction of the God I serve. He passionately loves people, and His love is not contained for the church only.  When I saw Mama T preaching love, I stood up and shouted out Amen. If we are going to be guilty of anything, let it be love, not condemnation!


 “Let us be guilty of love, not condemnation.”